Multi Family Homes for Sale in Cumberland Ri

  • Single Family
  • Active
  • MLS # 72949433
  • Updated one hour ago
  • 3


  • 3

    Total Baths

  • 3

    Total Baths

  • one,440

    Sq. Ft.

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  • Unmarried Family unit
  • Active
  • MLS # 1304463
  • Updated 4 hours agone
  • 4


  • 2

    Total Baths

  • ii

    Partial Baths

  • 4

    Total Baths

  • 2,676

    Sq. Ft.

  • two

    Car Garage

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But Listed

  • Single Family
  • Active
  • MLS # 1304391
  • Updated ane day ago
  • iv


  • two

    Full Baths

  • ane

    Fractional Bath

  • 3

    Total Baths

  • iii,050

    Sq. Ft.

  • 2

    Car Garage

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  • Single Family
  • Agile
  • MLS # 1304073
  • Updated 1 day ago
  • 3


  • 1

    Full Bath

  • 1

    Partial Bathroom

  • 2

    Total Baths

  • ii,668

    Sq. Ft.

  • 2

    Car Garage

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  • Single Family unit
  • Active
  • MLS # 1304225
  • Updated three days ago
  • 3


  • 3

    Full Baths

  • 3

    Total Baths

  • i,440

    Sq. Ft.

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  • Single Family unit
  • Agile
  • MLS # 1304059
  • Updated 22 hours ago
  • iii


  • 1

    Total Bath

  • 1

    Total Bathroom

  • one,577

    Sq. Ft.

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  • Unmarried Family
  • Active
  • MLS # 1303562
  • Updated xv hours ago
  • three


  • 1

    Total Bath

  • one

    Total Bath

  • 1,436

    Sq. Ft.

  • 1

    Motorcar Garage

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  • Single Family
  • Agile
  • MLS # 1304125
  • Updated 2 days ago
  • four


  • 3

    Total Baths

  • 1

    Partial Bath

  • 4

    Total Baths

  • iii,240

    Sq. Ft.

  • four

    Motorcar Garage

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  • Condo
  • Active
  • MLS # 1304207
  • Updated twenty hours ago
  • 2


  • 1

    Full Bathroom

  • ane

    Total Bath

  • 918

    Sq. Ft.

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  • Single Family
  • Active
  • MLS # 1304115
  • Updated 5 days ago
  • 4


  • 2

    Total Baths

  • 1

    Partial Bath

  • three

    Full Baths

  • 2,256

    Sq. Ft.

  • 1

    Car Garage

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  • Condo
  • Active
  • MLS # 1304067
  • Updated 5 days ago
  • 3


  • iii

    Full Baths

  • 1

    Partial Bath

  • 4

    Total Baths

  • two,360

    Sq. Ft.

  • 1

    Machine Garage

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  • Condo
  • Agile
  • MLS # 1303781
  • Updated 8 days ago
  • 3


  • 2

    Full Baths

  • ane

    Partial Bathroom

  • 3

    Total Baths

  • ii,600

    Sq. Ft.

  • 2

    Auto Garage

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  • Condo
  • Active
  • MLS # 1303392
  • Updated 23 hours agone
  • 2


  • 1

    Total Bath

  • 1

    Fractional Bath

  • 2

    Total Baths

  • 2,008

    Sq. Ft.

  • one

    Car Garage

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  • Multi-Family
  • Awaiting
  • MLS # 1303876
  • Updated 2 days ago
  • 2


  • 6

    Total Beds

  • 2

    Total Baths

  • 0.1148


  • 2

    Car Garage

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  • Single Family unit
  • Awaiting
  • MLS # 1303552
  • Updated 3 days ago
  • 2


  • 1

    Full Bathroom

  • 1

    Total Bathroom

  • 1,760

    Sq. Ft.

  • ane

    Car Garage

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  • Single Family unit
  • Agile
  • MLS # 1303799
  • Updated 3 days ago
  • iv


  • 3

    Full Baths

  • 3

    Full Baths

  • 2,520

    Sq. Ft.

  • 2

    Car Garage

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  • Unmarried Family
  • Pending
  • MLS # 1303375
  • Updated 3 days ago
  • 3


  • 2

    Full Baths

  • one

    Partial Bathroom

  • 3

    Total Baths

  • 1,848

    Sq. Ft.

  • 2

    Motorcar Garage

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  • Single Family
  • Pending
  • MLS # 1303744
  • Updated 5 days ago
  • two


  • 1

    Total Bathroom

  • 1

    Total Bathroom

  • 1,242

    Sq. Ft.

  • one

    Car Garage

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Open House

Sun 3/vi 11-12:30

  • Condo
  • Active
  • MLS # 1303848
  • Updated 8 days agone
  • two


  • 1

    Full Bath

  • 1

    Partial Bath

  • 2

    Total Baths

  • 1,500

    Sq. Ft.

  • 1

    Car Garage

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  • Condo
  • Pending
  • MLS # 1303602
  • Updated 4 days ago
  • two


  • 1

    Full Bath

  • 1

    Fractional Bathroom

  • 2

    Total Baths

  • 1,430

    Sq. Ft.

  • 1

    Car Garage

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  • Multi-Family
  • Active
  • MLS # 1303609
  • 3


  • 6

    Total Beds

  • 3

    Full Baths

  • 0.44


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  • Single Family
  • Pending
  • MLS # 1303516
  • Updated 9 days ago
  • 3


  • i

    Full Bath

  • ane

    Fractional Bath

  • 2

    Total Baths

  • 1,288

    Sq. Ft.

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  • Single Family
  • Pending
  • MLS # 1302883
  • Updated nine days ago
  • 4


  • iii

    Full Baths

  • 3

    Total Baths

  • 2,983

    Sq. Ft.

  • ii

    Machine Garage

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  • Single Family
  • Pending
  • MLS # 1303461
  • Updated nine days agone
  • 3


  • i

    Full Bath

  • 1

    Total Bathroom

  • one,640

    Sq. Ft.

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